Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

Dear Muse:

You've got a lot going on with this new book entitled The Picture.  I appreciate you working so hard for me on it and I think, once you go on vacation and The Editor takes your place, I've got something to work with.  Hopefully, you and The Editor are emailing regularly so the work won't be too much on me, The Writer, when the time comes.

I think at this particular point, we've got about 7 more chapters.  I originally thought about 5, but Nicholas is proving harder to control than either of us expected.  He's a sly one, that Nicholas, always throwing a curve ball or charming us when we expect him to be difficult.  Oh well, after some thorough cutting, pasting and adding, I think he'll be a man everyone wants a piece of!

So, The Muse, keep working hard because I know in the long run it's going to pay off!  I'm more determined than ever to make this work and to be, with your help, a published Writer.

Tune in Wednesday for a WIP Wednesday when I update again...

The Writer


  1. Sounds like The Muse, The Editor, and The Writer must have some interesting emails going back and forth between them all! Great first post on the new blog!

  2. So awesomely clever! {{{The Writer}}} I'm proud of this.

  3. You're good talking to your muse like that. My muse and I aren't on speaking terms right now. LOL


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